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    Thea Iberall

ISBN: 978-1893670266
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Sanctuary of Artemis

by: Thea Iberall

This collection of contextual poems explores the roots and origins of Western patriarchal culture through evolution, religion, neuroscience, history, mythology, symbolism, and linguistics. Thea Iberall is acutely aware of the great divide between scientists and artists. Contextual poetry is a form of expression, one that integrates the knowledge of multidisciplinary science and history with the insights and language of poetry.  For example, as a trained scientist in the area of neuroscience and human prehension, Iberall has a contextual poem The Evolutionary Record that traces the evolution of the human hand. In another example, the context to the poem On the Sanctuary of Artemis Dying discusses the evidence for the Goddess culture underlying Christianity.  While the collection is broad in its exploration, the poems are intensely focused on a very personal journey through life. This is a poetry of boundary integration. This is a poetry of profound knowledge.

Published by: Tebot Bach http://tebotbach.org/


Meet the Author
Dr. Thea Iberall is an award-winning writer, storyteller, and scientist. She was the co-host of Expresso Yourself Coffeehouse in Medfield, MA. Her book The Sanctuary of Artemis is a collection of contextual poems that bridges science and the arts tracing the roots of patriarchal domination. Her novel, The Swallow and the Nightingale, wakes people up to the real moral issue of today: it's not whom you love, but what we are doing to the planet. In addition, Thea has written three scientific texts and ghostwrote a memoir. She's had over 50 poems published in journals and anthologies including The Southern California Anthology, Spillway, poeticdiversity, and numerous other journals. Many of her poems have been published in anthologies about the Holocaust. Thea was a semi-finalist in the 2014 Mary Ballard Poetry Chapbook Prize and also in the Atlanta Review International Poetry Competition. Thea has written 12 plays including We Did It For You! Women's Journey Through History about how women got their rights in America, which has been turned into a film. Thea and her family were inducted into the International Educators Hall of Fame in 2015. www.theaiberall.com
Books of Thea Iberall
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About This Book

This collection of contextual poems explores the roots and origins of Western patriarchal culture through evolution, religion, neuroscience, history, mythology, symbolism, and linguistics. Thea Iberall is acutely aware of the great divide between scientists and artists. Contextual poetry is a form of expression, one that integrates the knowledge of multidisciplinary science and history with the insights and language of poetry.  For example, as a trained scientist in the area of neuroscience and human prehension, Iberall has a contextual poem The Evolutionary Record that traces the evolution of the human hand. In another example, the context to the poem On the Sanctuary of Artemis Dying discusses the evidence for the Goddess culture underlying Christianity.  While the collection is broad in its exploration, the poems are intensely focused on a very personal journey through life. This is a poetry of boundary integration. This is a poetry of profound knowledge.

Published by: Tebot Bach http://tebotbach.org/


ISBN: 978-1893670266
Publisher: Tebot Bach
Publish Date: 2011
Page Count: 116