Poetry (1)

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    This collection of contextual poems explores the roots and origins of Western patriarchal culture through evolution, religion, neuroscience, history, mythology, symbolism, and linguistics. While the collection is broad in its exploration, the poems are intensely focused on a very personal journey through life.

    Sanctuary of Artemis by: Thea Iberall $15.00

    This collection of contextual poems explores the roots and origins of Western patriarchal culture through evolution, religion, neuroscience, history, mythology, symbolism, and linguistics. Thea Iberall is acutely aware of the great divide between scientists and artists. Contextual poetry is a form of expression, one that integrates the knowledge of multidisciplinary science and history with the insights and language of poetry.  For example, as a trained scientist in the area of neuroscience and human prehension, Iberall has a contextual poem The Evolutionary Record that traces the evolution of the human hand. In another example, the context to the poem On the Sanctuary of Artemis Dying discusses the evidence for the Goddess culture underlying Christianity.  While the collection is broad in its exploration, the poems are intensely focused on a very personal journey through life. This is a poetry of boundary integration. This is a poetry of profound knowledge.

    Published by: Tebot Bach http://tebotbach.org/